14th International Conference & Exhibition on Green Flexible Printed Electronics Industry (ICEFPE24)

4 - 6 November 2024, Crowne Plaza Hotel, Athens, Greece

Contact Us

For any clarification or question, our team will be happy to help you.

0030 2310 998091



Special Accommodation Offer

The ICEFPE24 and AGRIVOLTAICS 2024 will take place in Crowne Plaza Hotel. Keep in mind that the organizers do not cooperate with third parties for the reservation of the rooms. All participants should book the rooms directly after communicating with the hotel.

Please reserve your room as soon as possible, since there is a LIMITED number of rooms.


How to book your room

In order to take advantage of the Special Rates, please download the Room Reservation Form, fill the necessary details and send your booking request via e-mail at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..


How to get there


14th International C&E on Green Flexible Printed Electronics Industry (ICEFPE24) and AGRIVOLTAICS 2024 are connected with NANOTEXNOLOGY multi-event!

nanotexnology logo


Organized by:

hopea logo  ltfn auth logo  cope-nano logo

Gold Sponsor

oet gold sponsor logo

Silver Sponsor

bl-nanobiomed silver sponsor logo

Bronze Sponsors

coatema bronze sponsor logo

vknano bronze sponsor logo


Supported by:

horizon europe logo   flex2energy logo    horizon20 logo realnano logo   FF logo    musicode logo    nanomecommons logo   nanotexnology21 logo  nanonet logo      espa1420 logo   photokipia logo  agrores logo     openergy logo winenergy logoekobuild logonanoathero logo   osteofit logo  oet logo  blnanobiomed logo  coatema- logo american logo pac logo  helapco logo  sekee logo  hetia logo  zoni kainotomias logo

Under the Auspices

physics auth logo

Exhibitors - Sponsors

ltfn logocope-nano logo    hopea logo   oet logo    blnanobiomed logocoatema- logo vk nano logo metadosis logo